Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Fresh Content and Social Media, an explosive mix

Last month, Google has done, Almost simultaneously, 2 announcements: one Concerning the business pages of Google+, And the Other Relating To The Freshness Update. 

If the first can to be interesting for brands, the second is something That Should companies be afraid Because it Can Influence Those Who are the users’ queries. 

The Freshness Update, in fact, the influence factor Commonly Called "QDF" ("Query Deserves Freshness"), which effectively impacts the query more ”fresh“. 

It is not yet clear what will be the major victims, but for now we know That to be affected will be the events, hot topics, frequently updated information, or information Regarding the release dates of a product / service.
That is the nice thing this update will not Affect That sites offer valuable content. The Freshness Update is designed to target marketers. The aim is to help Rather them. And every good SEO will tell you That the best strategy is to have produced great content over time. 

This update is part of the direction we are taking today’s search engines. Marketers will push to have a strong social presence. 

Google just wants fresh content?

No. The “freshness” goes well beyond the content. 

Basically, Google is telling marketers and webmasters That “Users want to see more and more frequently updated content, and then These are the first to show to our users That content, as are Most Relevant to them” . In other words, open a blog and start writing. 
But along with the Freshness Update and updates to the Google + Various Constantly search and social mingling, Producing new and fresh content will not be the only thing That will allow your site to better position themselves. The Freshness Update will push the brand to be more relavant to Their Customers. How? 

4 Tips for being “socially Fresh”

If there is a right time to create a social presence, is this time. The fresh content is good, but a lot of content without sharing does not make much sense. The key to scaling engines are not content, but what happens to That content. 

So here are some tips to follow Regarding the content fresh, but make sure you have Also to the right tools and then Promote Them on social media: 
  1. Make sure your content is updated . Create a strategy around your content and using tools Such as Social Mention or Google Alerts to stay up to date on topics that interest you. There is always something new to write. Use your business blog to share ideas and then That Makes sure your brand is recognized. The best way to do this is through social media. Are the means-used social media to spread this information. I know …
  2. Not only write, share. You do not have to spend time alone to write, but Also to spread what you have produced. A simple method is to make sure your readers to Promote They Are your content, for example by adding to Them as’ social buttons“.
  3. Use social networks. Even if Google has access to No Longer the stream of Twitter, this is an excellent tool to gather information about the “trending topics”. And even without the data from Twitter, Google+ and the button +1 Seems to have a big impact in the SERPs, and marketers can not afford to ignore.
  4. Not only share, share, REALLY. One Thing That Seems to have an important role as “freshness indicator” is the date / time of publication of content. Take an Active Role in Promoting your content and communicate it to Google via sitemap XML and RSS feeds.
So I’m telling you to change what you’ve done so far? No. Rather, These are things You Should Already be done for some time. 
Google said the update Freshness Affects 6-10% of the results (or 35% of queries), but I am afraid it is just the beginning. Over time the user’s behavior will change and will impact on the QDF Various types of research. Marketers Should keep an eye on this new factor and produces fresh content Continuously If They want to get the better of others. 

Applying the above 4 tips will make everyone happier. Your audience will be happy Because They get up to date content. The search engines are happy Because They Can Offer The Most Relevant content as possible. And we marketers we will be happy Because our content to be found. 

The only ones who will not be happy with our competitors, if you do not Understand All These Things at once. 

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